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Showing posts from August, 2017

Ode to Welbeck featured on The Spaces

I'm really pleased that my new photography project Ode to Welbeck has been featured on the brilliant online design and architectural magazine The Spaces. Earlier in the year they wrote an article on my ongoing Beautiful Brutalism project and have been great champions of my photography. To read the article and find out a bit more about my thoughts behind the project and my photography please visit The Spaces .

Photography on a Postcard Artist

I'm very proud to announce that I have been chosen as one of the Photography on a Postcard Artist. The above image from my Beautiful Brutalism project will be on sale along with lots of other upcoming and more well known photographers. The public will be able to purchase a ticket guaranteeing them a photograph, although they won’t know which card they have won until the show closes on the 27th October. Each photograph will be an edition of one and will come with a signed certificate of authenticity. All the money raised will go to The Hepatitis C Trust’s campaign to eliminate hepatitis C from the UK by the year 2030. Hopefully a lot of money will be raised for this great charity. For more information about Photography on a Postcard please click on the link and information about the exhibition can be seen here .

Welbeck Street Car Park due for demolition

"In summary the existing car park building has no particular aesthetic or historic value, and detracts from the setting of nearby heritage assets by virtue of it's bland and uninspired elevational treatment" KM Heritage Consultant 2017 The inevitable has happened and yesterday, Thursday 10th August, Westminster Council approved the demolition of Welbeck Street Car Park. Although it has been on the table for a long time it's such a shame that yet another stunning piece of brutalist architecture will be destroyed to make room for a bland, non-descript hotel with no particular aesthetic value. I still can't understand how Historic England and the heritage consultants used can't see it's aesthetic quality or structural ingenuity and therefore listing it so it might survive just a bit longer. It will be a great loss! I have been shooting the last few months of it's life since March and hope to undertake a few more...